Neck Pain
Many people suffer with neck pain and never get the care they need. At Living Health Care, our chiropractors have been helping people with this condition successfully by adopting a holistic and focused treatment approach. Our chiropractors are specifically trained to help neck pain and they have very high success rates.
To help an individual with neck pain we need to locate the root cause of the problem. Living Health Care chiropractors are trained in the use of a variety of diagnostic tools to locate the source of neck pain. This comes as a great advantage when treating this condition.
The spine is one of the most complex areas of your body, with almost every systemic nerve running through it. Muscles connected to a region of the spine that is misaligned can spasm and tighten. This tightening is believed to be a defence mechanism of the body to protect the spine and spinal cord. Bad posture and repetitive motions with a bad posture are the most common cause of misalignments that can happen in the spine.
If you have neck pain don't fall into the “it’s normal” corner. Neck pain may be very common, but it is certainly not normal. Let our team help you take control of the problem before it's too late.
When you visit Living Health Care chiropractic clinic in Miranda, NSW, we start with your health history. We need to understand your condition before we can properly help treat the symptoms and causes. Our focus is ensuring that your recovery will be speedy and quick.

Customised Care
While some conditions may seem identical, the underlying cause is always unique. At Living Health Care clinic in Miranda, we tailor your care and treatment plan specifically to your situation, and that includes chiropractic adjustments, kinesiology, acupuncture, massage therapy and rehab. We work with you to treat the condition along with the symptoms to help ensure your body heals and your wellbeing improves over time.